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Father and son

Fathers Love is a ministry that brings the reality of the Father's Heart, and His tremendous love, to the heart that is broken, wounded and downcast. How we were taught to receive and give love has a direct bearing on how we relate to our heavenly Father's love; how we receive and give His love. This ministry is built on the Biblical foundation of the the Father's love for every believer, and the real, and tangible expression of that love, as God the Father demonstrates His tenderness as only a true Father can. If you would like further information email Dave.


Our core values embrace the impartation of Father’s love with patience, gentleness, tenderness, nurture, security, covering, protection and affirmation. Each one of these core values is embeded in our ministry ethos.

Core Teaching


Throughout Scripture from Genesis to Revelation the love of the Father is revealed. It is a constant message that gives us the desire to just soak in Father's presence. When we realise what God the Father has really said and revealed in His Word it should cause us to run to Him to experience His great love. We all need to know what God the Father has said concerning His great love for each one of us, but we also need to experience that love personally from His tender heart. 


For Love

Because we struggle so much with expressing love, we fail to realise that God created us to both receive and give love. We can only rightly represent the Father's love when we ourselves live in the centre of His love for us, knowing both how to receive love and give out love. Despite what our theology may tell us,God created us to experience His love through intimate relationship with Him.




When we live in the absence of love we develop an orphan spirit. It is a spirit that searches for love in all the wrong places. A spirit that sees no identity that is of God, or man, but tries to gain an identity through the acceptance and approval of others; a spirit that strives to belong. You can live in your earthly father's house and never experience the reality of true love. You can reside in your Father's house and never experience His tender love for you..



Father's Love


When we move of the centre line of the Father's love we misrepresent Him. Restoring the Father's love moves us back onto the centre line of His love so that those who meet us come into contact with the love of the Father expressed through the overflow of intimacy we have with the Him.




Many are like the prodigal son, who left his father's house to experience the world, only to realise that the one thing he needed most was his father. Many today, in and out of the Church, are like the older son who was jealous, arrogant and defiant of his father because his relationship was out of duty. The homecoming is about coming home to Father God to experience the love he has for you and to enjoy all the benefits of His household as his adopted son or daughter. Sadly, many people feel unworthy to be loved or even accepted by God, yet He has said in His Word that He is not ashamed to be our Father and not ashamed to be our friend. What then prevents us from receiving all the benefits of His house?




Five corner stones graphic

These FIVE central themes form the corner stone of this ministry. When we respond to thes ecalls upon our life we can respond to all that the Father has for us. What we do for God flows from the over flow of relationship and intimacy that we have with Him. These five core values point us to the need to go deeper into the heart of the Father and to experience daily a love relationship with Him that satisfies our every need, seals our identity in Him and causes us to standout from the World knowing whose son or daughter we are.

Scope of the Ministry

The ministry covers areas that we can all relate to, such as:

Scope of Ministry

The ministry covers areas that we can all relate to, such as:


  • Restoration of the Father's Love

  • We were Created for Love

  • Hindrances to Receiving the Father's Love

  • Processing the Father's Love in our Life

  • Healing the Heart

  • Exposing Strongholds

  • Avoiding Pitfalls

  • Spiritual Fathers

  • The Orphan Spirit

  • Our Real Father

  • Love in Abundance

  • Sonship

  • Job - as a Father

  • Christlikeness

  • Intimacy with Father

  • The Anointing that comes on Sons

  • What the Bible Reveals About Father

  • Living in the Father's Presence

  • Exposing our Hiding Places

  • Intimacy - Jesus style

  • Forgiveness

  • Not Guilty

  • No Punishment

  • Freedom to Love

  • The Issue of Masks

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