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What Is Soaking?

Simply, it is just resting in Father’s presence. Soaking is an aid in seeking God the Father's presence. It is about spending quality time with Father without having a program to maintain or a shopping list. It is a time to focus on a relationship with the Lord where your life will truly be changed.


KEY-words that all embrace the worship experience of soaking:


  • Soak

  • Lie Down

  • Quiet

  • Rest

  • Listen

  • Wait


All of these words embrace the act of soaking in Father God’s presence. Soaking is all about being cleansed, prepared and anointed (Esther 2:12). Simply coming to be with your Father, no shopping lists, no agendas, just ourselves being still in the His arms of love. As an aid to soaking, music is the best way to come into the presence of the Father. To aid you in obtaining excellent soaking prayer worship music, click the banner below to go to ‘Soaking In The Secret Place’ where you will find some of the most worshipful soaking music available. So why not consider coming into God’s presence, settle down, relax and enjoy a good long soak. You will never be the poorer for it.

Psalm 131:2 says:

Surely I have calmed and quite had my soul, like a weaning child with his mother. Like a weaned child is my soul within me.


Isaiah 53:1-3 says:

Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters and you who have no money, come buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why do you spend money for what is not bread and your wages forward does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me and eat what is good and let your soul delight itself in abundance. Incline your ear to Me. Hear and you shall live.

Man soaking
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To sample any of the soaking worship music, select one of the music players below:

Prophetic Music Cover
Come Dance
Heart fort Worship
Be With You
I Will Praise Your Love Forever
He Who Dwells
Passionate Pursuit
Free Worship Melody
Power In The Name
Prayer of Jabez
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